Hello friends of Driver Seat and those who may join us in the future.

We are happy to finally release Insim V 1.0
When joining any of our servers an information screen will show up, just go through to see whats available.
I uploaded some screenshots to give an impression of how it is looking now, as there are some nice options to look at now.
As you can see there is not only a TOP TIMES ranking for the really fast guys to battle for top positions, where penalties given
by LFS will be added to driven time as well as for used resets ending up in total lap time at the end. The leaderboard even shows
the added time for penalties and resets. But as most of us wont be able to be in the top charts, there is another board showing
up the TOP RANKS

Make your way up in top ranks by finishing laps with the different cars on each trail and the RoCo.
Notice you will get the points only once for each combo, i.e. UF1 finishing a lap for the first time on Trail Easy will earn you
1 point for top ranks. If done all possible combinations the maximum of points is 289.

There are many ranks to achieve on
this long way, its a long time motivation for some of you I hope.

And to make it a bit more interesting for all to join us the
first time I decided to pay out some real cash.

So, here is what you have to do to get some of the prize money:
The first 3 people to reach 100 points at the TOP RANKS will get paid as following:
1. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 15.- €
2. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 10.- €
3. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 05.- €
I know it wont make you rich but give a little motivation to at least have a visit on our servers and may be you will like it.
Now, all drivers out there who may like this mixture of rallye and parcouring: Jump in your car and give your best, never
forget the most important thing is to have fun and its still a game. Greetings P V L
Not forgetting to say a really big thanks to our coder Xspeedasx, he did an amazing and fast job on this.