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Tutorial video
S3 licensed
Here a short tutorial video, self explaining:

Hope to see you soon on the Trails, have fun there. Wave
Last edited by P V L, .
Finally releasing V 1.0 of Driver Seat's Insim
S3 licensed
Hello friends of Driver Seat and those who may join us in the future. Big grin We are happy to finally release Insim V 1.0 Thumbs up

When joining any of our servers an information screen will show up, just go through to see whats available.

I uploaded some screenshots to give an impression of how it is looking now, as there are some nice options to look at now. Cool

As you can see there is not only a TOP TIMES ranking for the really fast guys to battle for top positions, where penalties given

by LFS will be added to driven time as well as for used resets ending up in total lap time at the end. The leaderboard even shows

the added time for penalties and resets. But as most of us wont be able to be in the top charts, there is another board showing

up the TOP RANKS Thumbs up Make your way up in top ranks by finishing laps with the different cars on each trail and the RoCo. Nod

Notice you will get the points only once for each combo, i.e. UF1 finishing a lap for the first time on Trail Easy will earn you

1 point for top ranks. If done all possible combinations the maximum of points is 289. Big grin There are many ranks to achieve on

this long way, its a long time motivation for some of you I hope.Thumbs up And to make it a bit more interesting for all to join us the

first time I decided to pay out some real cash. Did I Say That? So, here is what you have to do to get some of the prize money:

The first 3 people to reach 100 points at the TOP RANKS will get paid as following:

1. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 15.- €

2. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 10.- €

3. driver to reach 100 points will get paid 05.- €

I know it wont make you rich but give a little motivation to at least have a visit on our servers and may be you will like it.

Now, all drivers out there who may like this mixture of rallye and parcouring: Jump in your car and give your best, never

forget the most important thing is to have fun and its still a game. Greetings P V L Wave

Not forgetting to say a really big thanks to our coder Xspeedasx, he did an amazing and fast job on this. Nod Nod Nod

Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Hello, new features added. Join now to not be late. Omg omg omg

Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Hello out there, we are happy and proud to tell you that just some minutes ago our first Insim was

launched. Big grin After some days of great work done by our coder Xspeedasx we can now release the first

more or less basic version. Thumbs up More features will be added in the future. Nod

From now on there will be no reset of progress needed when we update the insim. Rofl

Now all jump into your cars and show us your skills.Have fun , greetings P V L Wave

Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Hello, as it seems 25+ minutes on Trail Easy is to long for some people to have a look at this

for the start, I shortened it to a version of ~ 7 minutes, this way you can try it out offline

to see if you like it at all before going on trails online. Enjoy, greetings P V L. Wave

Three lines of advices to get started online, given here as well. Big grin

pass the blue signs with the white arrows in middle

next turn on air floating signs ( numbers = speed advice)

at Red Wall dead ends rollover Speedbump , reverse then
Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Hello, as there have been some changes and times were reset, even I had to do a lap on

Trail Easy again to be allowed to drive on Trail Medium.Nod For all those people out there

that may be a bit confused about where to go, here is a replay of the lap I just did.Cool

Greetings, best wishes to all and have fun. P V L Wave
S3 licensed
Not really, time will be added for the use of resets. Big grin

It should add 90, 120 and 150 seconds for 1st, 2nd and 3rd use of reset.Cool

That is more time than a pitstop would take. Thumbs up
Updated Version
S3 licensed
Hello out there. We are now running an updated version on Driver Seat.Thumbs up

You HAVE to start on Trail Easy from now on. ANY lap done will allow

you to join track on Trail Medium then. Any lap done on Trail Medium

will allow you to join track on Trail Hard and having any lap done

there allows to drive on Trail X-Dream. All times were deleted to keep

it fair, you may use up to 3 resets a lap from now on. Using reset for

the 4th time will get you spectated. Hope to see you soon on Trails,

have a nice time, best wishes to all P V L.Big grin
S3 licensed
Oh, sorry then. You get an update which offers alot of new things to use and enjoy but really

complain about the 2 hotlaps on oval for FBM and FOX.Confused Please forgive me.Cool
S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :
.....never seen a race where they used r3 except oval

Seems you have been just on the wrong races then. As far as I remember you NEED to have R3 on front

wheels in an FXR if you are going for longer than about 10 minutes. Wink
S3 licensed
The Targa Florio is like the mother of tracks, true. We had some nice fast cruises on Assetto there.NodThumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from michal 1279 :"Single seater racing cars can now use ROAD_SUPER tyres"

I read that but would like to have them all, including hybrids. Nod Smile

Quote from P V L :I built some nice trails and there are some gras / offroadparts

S3 licensed
Hello, I am reading this for a while now. As it seems we get closer to the release date I think its

time to ask for something before it will be to late. Is it possible to give all the cars that are on

slicks the access to all the tyres that are used by roadcars ? No further adjustments needed, just be

allowed to use them. I built some nice trails and there are some gras / offroadparts included on

Westhill. Those are very hard if not impossible to do in open wheelers with slicks. Thanks in advance

for whatever will be released finally, P V L.
[DS] Driver Seat
S3 licensed

Hello gentlemen Smile, after 2 weeks of working on the layouts and getting the servers started with the lapper working for laptimes up to

90 minutes its finally done. [DS] Servers await you to show your skills. I highly recommend to start on [DS] Easy, follow the 3 messages

shown when entering a server and you can make it to the end. Another advice, its good to go pretty slow on the first lap.Wink Going

fast is only needed when air signs are telling a number, i.e. when its saying 75 go 75 kmh or slightly more. Make sure to not miss signs

and if needed just go back a bit or use free view (shift+u) to find where to continue. You may go for a PB later once you are familiar

with the route.
There are 4 Trails on [DS] Servers:

Easy ( 25 min in an XFG driven by myself),

Medium (41 min in an XFG driven by myself),

Hard (51 min in an XFG driven by myself)

X-Dream ( ~ 75+min in an XFG , nobody finished a lap yet )

For further information or questions feel free to contact me, best on our discord:

Now join, start your engines and have fun on the longest lasting laps ever in LFS . Best wishes to you all, P V L Wave

Edit: Added a replay of the lap I did on [DS] Trail hard
Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
We did the test yesterday and LFS Lapper does now count laps up to 90 minutes.
S3 licensed
Well, the time table in lapper is good enough I guess if it accepts times longer than 1 hour.
S3 licensed
Like I said above, Dan was so nice to edit it and it works up to 1 hour now. For my titanium version

I need for sure more than that, 90 minutes should do it.Dan told me it is not possible to set it higher

than 1 hour with the current code.It would need a total rewriting of lappin he said.The wish list is

exactly that, wishes. If not all is possible I still can thinkover the concept. Greets P V L
Lapping, time tables and a bit more for laps longer than 1 hour
S3 licensed
Hello, recently I started to build some trails on Westhill. Its a mix of race, rallye and a bit of

cruise may be. So I decided to rent a server and installed LFS Lapper. Had to find out lapper doesnt

count splits or laps >10 minutes. Bass-Driver / Dan was so nice to edit that for me and its now working

up to 1 hour. Easy version takes just under 30 minutes in XFG / XRG, Medium a bit more than 40 minutes.

There is still Hard and Titanium to come, while Hard could be under 1 hour I doubt Titanium will. And

of course even laps done by people for fun and slower should be listed in time table. Last night I had

a talk with Bass-Driver and he adviced me to ask for help here. So, here I am and tell you the needs:

Recording laps longer than 1 hour, up to 90 minutes.

Time table for best laps done total, car filter to click.

Overall timetable showing times done on all 4 servers ( may be add Rollercoaster server as well ).

Showing timetable of added times for all 4 (5) servers for each car clicked.

Get notifications / messages when doing good, great and top splits or laps.

Add adjustment for % compared to best server lap in that car, i.e. 103%,102% and 101%

Connect servers to let people only join track when having done a lap on lower level trail.

So to be allowed to join medium trail track you need to have done any lap on the easy trail.

Ranking, like trying, easy, medium, hard, titanium. May be add Big Five when Rollercoaster done.

Player info showing level, click a car to see his laps in that car on all servers/levels.

Read out layout name if possible to use for time tables, so it wouldnt mess up 2 tracks on WE2Y.

Get penalties for objects that are hit added to final lap time.

All the other lapper features are not really needed imho atm.

I really would appreciate if someone could help me with this. I am not familiar with scripting /

coding at all. If you need or want to get an idea of what trails I am talking, feel free to join

[DS] Driver Seat. If you want my discord for questions, here it is: [DS] P V L#0728

Thanks in advance for any help or solutions.
Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Hello, the timer works after entering track with a car but not when joining the server.So if people join and stay in spectate, bonus is running.

Greets P V L.Wink
S3 licensed
Whenever there were just some servers shown at LFSW it were those from the Netherlands.

Trying to choose any nation in filter shows just all or Netherlands to me. Wink
S3 licensed
All I can do is to show you my screenshot in options.

Hope it helps, I have never heard this is missing. Uhmm
S3 licensed
Quote from super_gt :This option is set to NO and everything is OFF.

Have you ever tried to set the option right above the mirror placement to YES ?

In english it could be called " Move view with animation".
S3 licensed
Its a racers problem. LFS offers so many ways to create interesting

custom tracks these days, almost infinite. Even we on Reality Cruise

have nice racing events now and then, no idea why the people calling

for more racing action not just do something to get it started. Greets.
S3 licensed
The server is still on S2. Guess thats it. Just needs to be set to S3.

Thought its automatic possible to use cause RO is available to choose.
S3 licensed
Hello, I have a problem with Rockingham. On our event server I tried to

set a RO track to test out the 11 versions and see how they feel.

But when I try to set the track to RO LFS tells me that I have to be in

S3 mode to use it. My LFS is S3, had a look on entry screen.The server

is same as all our other servers, K version. Any help out there?

Thanks in advance, PVL.